Barbara Duran

Panta Rei

Ever new waters flow over those who enter the same rivers. Into the same rivers we go down and do not go down, we are and are not.

As on the wave of simmering days / I tried to revive the beloved moment / As a train going at high speed 
I tried to capture the images / As if diving into the depths of the soul / I felt the time
Flowing flowing flowing
I fixed the image / not reproducible / I made it unique
an irreplaceable moment / Monad containing everything / microcosm and macrocosm.

Barbara Duran


Panta Rei

This new and unprecedented project by Barbara Duran is based on the concept of change and the impossibility of repeating the moment lived.  To this thought, recurring in her work, Duran contrasts, through an ex-cursus of many moments that made up his life, the feasible and very important possibility of preserving the moment lived, remembering it, protecting it, not betraying it and letting oneself be carried away by life enriched by ‘atoms’ existence, which never overlap but often have affinity, in becoming and sometimes in their opposite: this is what each person’s existence is made up of.


Installation 2015

Galerie Metanoia – Paris 2014 | Studio Urbana – Rome 2015